Tachykinin Receptor 1 Antibodies

There are 405 Tachykinin Receptor 1 antibodies available from 49 antibody suppliers.

They have been tested to work in a wide range of applications and species, including the most popular ones for using a Tachykinin Receptor 1 antibody: Western Blot, Immunohistochemistry paraffin, Immunohistochemistry frozen and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay as well as in Human, Rat, Mouse & Canine.

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See all Tachykinin Receptor 1 Antibodies

Top Tachykinin Receptor 1 Antibodies for ELISA

  • Lifespan Biosciences LS-C198297
  • anti-Tachykinin Receptor 1 Antibody
  • ProSci 46-465
  • anti-Tachykinin Receptor 1 Antibody

Top Tachykinin Receptor 1 Antibodies for IHC-F

  • Atlas HPA074573
  • anti-Tachykinin Receptor 1 Antibody
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. PA3-301
  • anti-Tachykinin Receptor 1 Antibody
  • Lifespan Biosciences LS-A1339
  • anti-Tachykinin Receptor 1 Antibody

Top Tachykinin Receptor 1 Antibodies for IHC-P

  • Atlas HPA074573
  • anti-Tachykinin Receptor 1 Antibody
  • GeneTex GTX30183
  • anti-Tachykinin Receptor 1 Antibody
  • Immunostar 20061
  • anti-Tachykinin Receptor 1 Antibody

Top Tachykinin Receptor 1 Antibodies for WB

  • Proteintech Group 17942-1-AP
  • anti-Tachykinin Receptor 1 Antibody
  • St John's Lab STJ94496
  • anti-Tachykinin Receptor 1 Antibody

See all Tachykinin Receptor 1 Antibodies

Tachykinin Receptor 1 Antibody Daily Quiz

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We can even set up a private league table for you and your colleagues.

Prizes: Cash rebates, grants and places at our conferences.

Just select the images below that you think were taken using a Tachykinin Receptor 1 antibody and fill-in your details. There could be none, some or all.

Tachykinin Receptor 1 Jobs

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View all 7 Tachykinin Receptor 1 jobs

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Trusted by over 170 suppliers covering over 27,000 proteins.

  • bio
  • progen
  • stress

Tachykinin Receptor 1 Antibody Associates

When Tachykinin Receptor 1 antibodies are used in research projects they are often used in association with many other antibodies.

Most often they appear alongside antibodies to:





